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I Help Entry Level Medical Professionals Transition to the Next Level.

Book Lisa Today

There are many new entrants into the new world of their professions. In ultrasound in particular, there are many challenges in the transition from student life to the professional world.

This talk on Professional Enhancement will give you the valuable insights and tips on how to level up. Do not miss this dynamic presentation.

Female Lecturer
Speaking Demo

About Lisa

I started my medical career in nursing as an RN. Being RN was not for me and back then nurses did not have the opportunties they do now. Despite all the anatomy, physiology, microbiology and chemistry, I learned the hard way that ultrasound schools at that time did not accept RNs. Radiologic Technology was the next part of the journey.


The next step in the pathway was New York University School of Ultrasound. RDMS, RDCS and RVT was the next professional goal. Since then there have been the GCP for CITI, several other certifications, pulmonary function testing and a BA in the teaching sector. I have been a public speaker for thirty years and a sonographer for 38 years. There have been presentations at high schools about the profession all the way to testifying before political bodies. I went from staff sonographer to department head and program director more than once.


I love my job as an Applications Specialist. Being one of the very few ultrasound professionals that has held every job in this field brings a unique perspective to the presentations. Public speaking offers me a way to help others in a way that took way too long for me to achieve.

Now offering Applications training, classes, seminars and research...Other ultrasound subjects available. 


Lisa's Talks

Talk Topics

Professional Enhancement

This talk is designed to help those in entry level positions navigate the pathway to transition to the next level in their career successfully.  While it is geared toward sonographers it is applicable to anyone in these job categories.  



Elastography is a revolutionary tool in the field of ultrasound.  When it is used properly it will become as valuable as color or pulsed wave Doppler. You will learn all the ins and outs of the best practices used in this technology.


This new speciality of ultrasound is ground breaking.  You will learn the exciting new techniques from the ultrasound pioneer in this new field.  I have been training people in this field and creating all new ways that ultrasound is used and the how to's for facial, breast and keloid applications.  



Image by Elliot Sloman

"Lisa is a quick thinker when answering questions."

Mark E.  Sand Diego, California  



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©2023 Lisa Bachan

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